Friday, April 2, 2010

Tech Breakfast miscellany

Here are my quick notes from today's breakfast (along with the people who brought up the topic, in parens).

We started on UI...
... then HTML 5, and the Ignite SLC event including a rap...

... and security, how we in tech tend to be lazy when it comes to security...

... so maybe these books will help us with the issues...

... and luckily we have new tools for managing authorization...

... and maybe some verifiable anonymity?

We discussed relationships, and and came up.

Other... miscellany:

  • Silicon Snake-Oil by Clifford Stoll (Dan)
  • Archer Farm in Logan (... a historical farm here locally? Maybe someone can elaborate in the comments.)
  • "Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence." -- Napoleon Bonaparte (Phil)
  • Fear the Boom and Bust, a rap battle between economists Keynes and Hayek (Trent)

1 comment:

Trent said...

Josh just pointed out this news about a version of Quake 2 written for HTML 5: