Tuesday, May 12, 2009

logging the XML payload with Axis, XFire

When using Axis to send data to a web service, you can set the logger level on org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender to DEBUG to see what's going out.

When using Xfire to receive data, you can set the logger level on org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender to DEBUG to see what's coming in.

Here's a sample in log4j.properties:

log4j.logger.org.codehaus.xfire = DEBUG

Monday, May 4, 2009

My winner for to-do task lists: Toodledo

FYI: I've settled on Toodledo.com to manage all my tasks. It has a good interface and many ways to display my tasks, and there's an Android app for my G1 (even though I usually just browse to their web page). Oh, and it's got a free subscription level.

Here are the few improvements I'd like to see:
  • There's no "edit task" screen; you edit everything on the list page... which isn't necessarily bad, just something to get accustomed to... except that the next problem comes into play because...
  • You choose the fields to use, and that's what shows everywhere. When I hid some of the fields (like tags, because I didn't use them on the main screen), suddenly I couldn't edit the tags and I couldn't view by tag (across the top). This may not be a huge problem either since I can resize the columns on the list view; I'll just have to get used to it.
  • I'd like to have multiple (or hierarchial) contexts for a task, such as "shopping" and also "shopping-grocery" (vs. "shopping-auto"). So I'm actually using the tags to store my contexts.
  • I could use an Android app that sorts according to the Toodledo importance sorting.
This post is definitely heavy on the criticism, but I highly recommend Toodledo.