Friday, August 19, 2011

Today's SLC Tech Breakfast

Dan: Where is virtual reality?

Video search
One big part is speech recognition Sphinx (CMU)
Why store text?  There are good reasons (Josh and Matt are doing a project on all this)

Augmented reality
- SixthSense from MIT
- Dan recommends Robert Heinlein - Double Star

Phones seem to be changing how we do things, eg. calling rather than working independently

The G2X phone is fabulous - Matt

There are headphones that stick near the ear so you can feel vibrations (without bugging someone).

There's a higher ratio of female engineers in India vs America

Other events
- Utah Code Camp (though it may just be more ads; not a good impression of Newmont by people)
- Product Camp Utah
- Roots Tech
- UTOS Project Day

Chromebook is out, about $500
Google is offering it for about $28/chromebook/year for organizations ($20 for schools)

Google says Javascript is not the bottleneck any more
- Trent is using knockout.js (also looked at backbone.js)
- Matt uses GXT (GWT version of ext.js), though the rendered code can be confusing (with synchronous events)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

concatenating lines in a pipe

I often have to munge multiple lines together, and I finally found a good way:

echo -e "1\n2" | awk '{ ORS="+"; print; }'

Note that this adds the separator on the end, so I have to  handle that:

echo -e "1\n2" | awk '{ ORS="+"; print; }' | awk '{ print $1 "0" }' | bc