Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rubik's Cube Cheat Sheet

I finally sat down and followed instructions to solve a Rubik's Cube. I used Dan Brown's videos, and here is my summary of the instructions... useful for reference until I have them memorized.

(F=turn front side clockwise / U=up side / D=down side / L=left / R=right, with cc=counter-clockwise)

1) Goal: Top Cross
Move one into correct spot. If flipped, put in front then:
Fcc U Lcc Ucc

2) Top Corners
Get one in or under spot, then:
Rcc Dcc R D

Now put the solved side on the bottom.

3 & 4) Middle Edges
Find one not matching now-top color, move by matching side color, then..
... if going left:
Ucc Lcc U L U F Ucc Fcc
... if going right:
U R Ucc Rcc Ucc Fcc U F

5) Cross
If "L" then put back-left, if line then put horizontally, then:
F R U Rcc Ucc Fcc

6) Match Edge Sides
Put one that matches side colors in back and the other to right or front, then:
R U Rcc U R U U Rcc

7) All Upper Edges in Correct Spots, Possibly Turned
If any in correct spot, put in front-right, then:
U R Ucc Lcc U Rcc Ucc L

8) Corners
Put any unsolved in front-right, then:
Rcc Dcc R D ... and maybe repeat until just that one is correct (even if the rest of the cube is messed up)
... and then Ucc and repeat for each unsolved upper corner

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